Los metadatos EXIF incluyen crédito, cámara, distancia focal, apertura, iso, velocidad de obturación, marca de tiempo, copyright, etc. Puede mostrar estos metadatos EXIF con sus imágenes en la biblioteca multimedia de WordPress.
Instrucciones: Añada el siguiente código al archivo functions.php de su tema de WordPress.
add_filter('manage_media_columns', 'posts_columns_attachment_exif', 1); add_action('manage_media_custom_column', 'posts_custom_columns_attachment_exif', 1, 2); function posts_columns_attachment_exif($defaults){ $defaults['wps_post_attachments_exif'] = __('EXIF'); return $defaults; } function posts_custom_columns_attachment_exif($column_name, $id){ if($column_name === 'wps_post_attachments_exif'){ $meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata($id); if($meta[image_meta][camera] != ''){ echo "CR: ".$meta[image_meta][credit]."<hr />"; echo "CAM: ".$meta[image_meta][camera]."<hr />"; echo "FL: ".$meta[image_meta][focal_length]."<hr />"; echo "AP: ".$meta[image_meta][aperture]."<hr />"; echo "ISO: ".$meta[image_meta][iso]."<hr />"; echo "SS: ".$meta[image_meta][shutter_speed]."<hr />"; echo "TS: ".$meta[image_meta][created_timestamp]."<hr />"; echo "C: ".$meta[image_meta][copyright]; } } }
También puede disfrutar de la eliminación de la imagen destacada meta caja.
Made a few minor changes to prevent notices, and changed the HR to |
function posts_custom_columns_attachment_exif($column_name, $id){
if($column_name === ‘wps_post_attachments_exif’){
$meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata($id);
echo “CR: ” . $meta[‘image_meta’][‘credit’] .’ | ‘;
echo “CAM: ” . $meta[‘image_meta’][‘camera’] .’ | ‘;
echo “FL: ” . $meta[‘image_meta’][‘focal_length’] . ‘ | ‘;
echo “AP: ” . $meta[‘image_meta’][‘aperture’] .’ | ‘;
echo “ISO: ” . $meta[‘image_meta’][‘iso’] . ‘ | ‘;
echo “SS: ” . $meta[‘image_meta’][‘shutter_speed’] . ‘ | ‘;
echo “TS: ” . $meta[‘image_meta’][‘created_timestamp’] . ‘ | ‘;
echo “C: ” . $meta[‘image_meta’][‘copyright’] : ‘N/A’ );
Any way to get this to show up every time with an image? Maybe make this automatically inserted into the description field?
great snippets, a little big for admin, but can we use it in our blog when we are over the picture?
It is a little big but could be adjusted with css. In regards to this snippet you can display things within your page using a similar method as $meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata($id); will get the meta data you just need to pass the attachment id. Ill make a post in the near future to display these details with your pictures.
Ok, thanks for your reply.
And thanks for the next posts
Hi, did you delete the snippset for the post?