Deseja saber como adicionar uma data a um wp_nav_menu()
específico? É fácil com nosso snippet de código. Neste artigo, você aprenderá a adicionar a data.
Tudo o que você precisa fazer é adicionar este código ao arquivo functions.php do seu tema ou em um plug-in específico do site
Não se esqueça de alterar MENU_NAME para o nome do menu ao qual você deseja adicionar a data.
add_filter('wp_nav_menu_items','add_date', 10, 2); function add_date($items, $args) { if( $args->theme_location == 'MENU_NAME' ) return $items . '<li class="navdate">' . date("l F jS, Y") . '</li>'; return $items; }
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Should be added that the MENU_NAME is the one which the menu was registered with in functions.php not the one you set up in Admin.
strange, the conditional seems to return false even if the menu name matches
Ill take a look,
i use this technique to add a logout button to the nav if a user is logged in.
Ahh cool that is a good way to add it. Good call,
you should contribute a snippet or two
Where and how could one make use of such function?
If you notice at the top of my site, I have the last update date displayed. You could use it for something like this or in fact you could use this snippet to insert anything into the wp_nav_menu, eg: number of twitter followers, or facebook fans, or a select menu and search field etc. really anything that you need to insert into the menu when you need more then just a link.
I’ll save it then. It might be handy for sometime in the future 🙂
or just visit wpsnipp in the future since I have it saved 🙂 don’t forget to follow us on twitter or facebook.